Overcoming Objections: Why Media Companies Should Invest in Data Literacy Training

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Data Society
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September 16, 2024
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Enterprise-wide data literacy can help media companies realize the full potential of their data resources and today’s most powerful technologies. Yet, as organizations explore options for upskilling their teams, they face a crowded field of offerings and a host of questions about the value of data literacy training initiatives. 

Is this scenario familiar to you? If so, it might be helpful to consider some common objections organizations have to investing in data literacy training programs and some insights that can help you overcome them.

We already have tons of paid-for self-paced resources.
Self-paced courses are convenient, accessible, and can be effective in meeting many training objectives. However, to empower teams with learning outcomes that stick and data-literacy skills they can readily apply to their work, media companies might opt for training programs that offer more immersive learning experiences. While self-paced resources are valuable, instructor-led training offers real-time interaction, personalized feedback, and collaborative learning experiences that can significantly accelerate skill development.

We already do lots of instructor-led training internally.
Internal training programs can often benefit from partnerships with organizations that specialize in instructional design and delivery for workforce learning. Consider enlisting the support of external expertise that can complement your internal training. These partners can introduce fresh perspectives and industry-wide best practices that will directly engage and support your learners and enhance your team's capabilities.

The number of people I need to train is too small (<10) to justify the spend on this.
Bespoke training programs can deliver measurable learning outcomes to cohorts of all sizes. Explore training programs that offer customized solutions for smaller groups, ensuring cost-effectiveness while maintaining high-quality, tailored instruction that addresses your organization’s specific needs.

We're not ready to get started, i.e. not mature enough.
An early start to foundational training can actually accelerate your maturity in these areas, giving you a competitive edge as you grow. By laying the groundwork now, your organization can give your team the advantage that comes with cultivating the skills to meet the challenges ahead and building a data-driven culture that can evolve alongside technologies and business needs.

Our teams are already sufficiently skilled in these areas.
As the rate of change in workplace technologies increases, the half-life of workforce skills decreases. Technology and methodologies in data, analytics, and AI are rapidly evolving, and the right training provider can ensure your team stays current with the latest advancements and industry trends.

I don't have leadership buy-in to make this investment.
A common roadblock to training initiatives, reluctance in the C-suite is seldom an issue when leaders have a clear understanding of the business value of a data-literate workforce. Look for training providers who can help you make this case by sharing ROI data and case studies that demonstrate the impact of training on operational efficiency and organizational performance.

Our teams don't have time for this kind of training.
Finding training solutions that busy media professionals can fit into their schedules is often a challenge, but it is an obstacle that companies can overcome with the right approach to training. Many training providers can accommodate learners’ work schedules with flexible scheduling options. Explore training programs that offer focused, high-impact sessions that are designed to maximize learning while minimizing time away from work. The skills your team stands to gain often lead to increased efficiency, saving time in the long run.

We have other, more pressing training needs, such as compliance, internal business processes, internal products and services, and leadership development.
While media companies must balance a wide range of pressing priorities, proficiency in data, analytics, and AI can significantly enhance overall business performance, including areas like compliance and internal processes. Look for training providers who can work with you to integrate these skills into your broader training strategy.

A Foundation of Data Literacy for a Future of Enterprise Success

To remain competitive and flourish in the era of data-driven enterprise, media companies need teams that share a foundational understanding of how to read, write, and communicate about data in context. In other words, they need to establish cultures of data literacy. By thoughtfully investing today in training initiatives that can help your organization achieve this goal tomorrow, your team will be prepared to reach the new levels of data proficiency that the media industry’s future will demand. 

If your team is facing resistance to investing in data literacy training— whether it’s concerns about time, cost, or readiness— Data Society is here to help. We specialize in designing flexible, high-impact training programs tailored to meet the specific needs of media companies. By partnering with us, you can equip your workforce with the data literacy skills they need to thrive in a competitive, data-driven industry. Don't let these common obstacles stand in the way of your team's success—schedule a consultation with Data Society today and let us help you build a data-literate culture that drives growth and innovation.

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