Forbes: Why Communication Is The Key To Effective Reskilling And Data Literacy For Employees

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      Data Society      
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          May 19, 2022            
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Originally published on Forbes

Every day, leaders in federal government agencies, major corporations and nonprofits are buffeted by the challenges of determining how to use available data to achieve organizational objectives and create greater economic value. In my previous articles, I’ve discussed how to assess data literacy among employees and the steps to start building a culture of data sharing.

Once leaders recognize the importance of data literacy for their organization, as many already do, the next step is figuring out the best way for employees to sharpen their data skills and deliver coordinated training programs effectively. Unfortunately, communication is often a critical piece of this equation that is left out.

According to research from Domino Data Lab, 97% of surveyed data executives in the U.S. say data science boosts your bottom line. Nearly that number also said that faulty staffing and tooling can make businesses fail when it comes to scaling these data science initiatives.

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