The Future of Media: Preparing Your Team for Data and AI Challenges

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September 12, 2024
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Taking Stock of What’s Ahead

Technological advances have forever altered consumer expectations and business strategies throughout the media industry. To keep pace with these evolving needs, media companies are tapping into AI-powered innovation and data-driven insights that can enhance their content, services, and operations. However, with these capabilities come significant challenges, and seizing the opportunities of AI and data technologies begins with teams prepared to navigate the obstacles ahead. Several key considerations can help media companies position their workforce for success with data and AI initiatives.


How is your company balancing the efficiency of AI-generated content with the need for human creativity and oversight?
Generative AI has proven effective at rapidly creating new content, offering considerable time- and cost-saving benefits throughout the media industry. However, generative AI tools can produce questionable output and amplify existing biases and misinformation in their training data. According to a 2023 survey, 82% of news and media organizations surveyed across the globe are concerned about the ethical implications of using AI in the newsroom. Another study found that approximately 45% of US adults believe AI has had either a somewhat or very negative impact on the media sector. To use this technology effectively and responsibly in content generation, media companies need teams that understand its limitations and potential pitfalls, what roles it should serve in the creative process, and how to balance its efficiencies with skillful human review.  

What strategies are you employing to protect your intellectual property in the age of AI content generation?
Intellectual property (IP) protection, one of the many business challenges that AI has the potential to both complicate and facilitate, is a matter of considerable consequence across industries. Global online piracy costs the US economy at least USD $29.2 billion in lost revenue annually. In addition, according to a 2024 study, while 79% of security professionals surveyed report that generative AI has brought significant value to their organizations, 69% of these respondents are concerned that this technology could have a negative impact on their organizations’ legal rights and IP.  As the volume of AI-generated content proliferates across platforms and channels, it becomes even more challenging for media companies to detect and address unauthorized use of protected content. 

How are you safeguarding your brand's reputation against the threat of AI-generated misinformation?
As the volume of AI-generated content continues to climb, media companies face the challenge of maintaining quality standards for text, video, and audio files appearing on their platforms. Verification of information is increasingly crucial to preserving the public’s trust at a time when media consumers are becoming more concerned about the spread of misinformation, disinformation, and inappropriate content online. According to a recent study, 90% of consumer respondents said they fact-check news, and 50% of these respondents said they have less trust in the news and social media today than they did 12 months prior. Although AI technologies can help to detect misinformation and halt its spread, this requires human oversight and expertise. Only by developing processes to ensure that humans are able to assess and revise AI-generated output as needed, can media companies decrease the risk of disseminating information that could erode consumers’ trust.

What plans do you have in place to reskill employees whose roles might be affected by AI automation?
AI integration will reduce the need for human participation in some areas, but it will give rise to the demand for human efforts in other areas. Human qualities, such as empathy, critical thinking, contextual awareness, and imagination will increase in value as generative AI becomes more instrumental in content creation. Existing teams will require a baseline knowledge to thrive alongside AI automation. 

According to the World Economic Forum (WEF) Future of Jobs Report 2023, working with AI and big data is the top training priority for companies with more than 50,000 employees across the globe, and it ranks third as a training priority among companies overall. In addition, workforces using AI tools will increasingly need foundational skills, such as data and AI literacy, prompt engineering, AI ethics, and data analytics. Given this trend, media companies will benefit from upskilling and reskilling programs that help them retain the talent and institutional knowledge of their existing workforce while promoting a culture of responsible AI and data integration.

What measures are you taking to ensure data privacy and security as you integrate AI into your operations?
Safeguarding both company and consumer data becomes more challenging as companies introduce AI into their operations. A survey of consumers across the globe found that 57% of respondents shared the perception that the use of AI in collecting and processing data poses a significant threat to their privacy. In addition, a study found that 92% of security professionals view generative AI as a technology that requires new techniques to manage data and risks. AI technologies can support human efforts in this area as well, enhancing threat detection through real-time monitoring of threats and aiding in proactive management of data security and privacy issues.

Equipping Teams to Tackle the Challenges

While racing to seize the opportunities that data and AI technologies offer, media companies are wise to steel themselves for the risks and challenges that inevitably come with this technological progress. Foremost among their preparations should be equipping teams with the fundamental skills that support effective and responsible AI and data integration. With a foundation of enterprise-wide data and AI literacy, media companies can position their workforces to overcome the challenges that lie ahead.  

At Data Society, we understand the unique challenges media companies face as they integrate AI and data into their operations. Our tailored training programs cultivate the data literacy and AI expertise teams need to balance innovation with human creativity, protect intellectual property, and safeguard your brand’s reputation in a fast-changing landscape. By empowering your workforce with the skills to navigate these new technologies responsibly, we can help your organization prepare to seize the opportunities AI and data present—while mitigating the risks. Let us help you future-proof your media company and maintain your competitive edge.

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